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Writer's picturemedwinequas

Sacred Wild Desire

Finding our true selves—the core of who we are—again and loving and honoring ourselves to the fullest degree possible are the first steps towards igniting passion.

Tantra is a profound spiritual tradition of awakening and enlightenment. It originated in India Hinduism and has spread throughout Buddhism. Tibetan Bön tradition, Daoism, and the Japanese Shintō tradition and Jainism, more than 5,000 years ago, but its relevance to our society today is truly significant in this day and age where the sacred is being repressed.

Lets discover practical approaches that allow spiritual energy into your union, opening up pathways for desire, happiness, Consciousness, Love, Bliss, Grace, Silence, Devotion, Desire, Wonder, Ecstasy, Compassion, Freedom, Emptiness, Wisdom, Purity, Enlightenment, Meditation, Creativity, Passion, Oneness, pleasure.

With respect to intimacy and personal relationships, Tantra is a way of opening your heart and mind to the purest forms of love and unity. You become inspired by greater levels of passion and pleasure than you may have thought possible. Tantra offers an approach to love which introduces the experience of our sexuality and sensuality as a conscious meditation, as a flowing together of the physical, emotional, and spiritual energies.

Finding our true selves—the core of who we are—again and loving and honouring ourselves to the fullest degree possible are the first steps towards igniting passion.

Strong, passionate relationships are formed on this foundation, and it also serves as the base from which we may muster the bravery and clarity to share our gifts with the world to reconnect people to the dynamic sexual energy that is the source of their sensual and spiritual longing.

We establish a conduit for the Divine to move through us as we develop conscious present with our selves or our partner. This is intimacy at its purest and essence. You have the chance to restore your sexual purity and happiness, enabling a stronger connection when making love.

An honest discussion about what is and isn't working in your love life takes place at the start of the coaching session. Your Tantric practitioner will listen to you with kindness and compassion, accept you as you are, and take note of any particular concerns you may have.

Next will help clarify what you want to bring forth in your intimate relationship.

Our Greatest Fears

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of the universe. Your playing small does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of the universe that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others.

Have you ever considered that everything in life that is fulfilling is wild?

Look more carefully: Love, awareness, happiness, climax, and ecstasy... These are dimensions of union that have one thing in common:: they're crazy!

You cannot dominate, manipulate, or control them.

You will discover that you are unable to grab onto them if you attempt to do so.

The trick is to give in to them and return to your enlightened condition as a result.

Tantra supports you in anchoring into this non-dual dimension within you by guiding you there using a variety of exquisite tantric techniques, unforeseen circumstances, and all other ways at its disposal.

Tantra a wild, crazy, unspoiled path of spiritual awakening, without the denial of sexual energy, but with its transformation into an ultimate state of consciousness by tapping into unifying forces. It is an invitation to wake up to the wildness of your body, heart and consciousness! It is for the courageous ones who are not afraid to say yes to all aspects of life.

Tantric rituals

Soul Gazing

Make long, meaningful eye contact with one another as a simple, lovely gesture to honor one another.

Awakening the Chakras

Sense the energy in and around you. See how physical pleasure appears and flows while learning how to activate these energy centers in your body.

Sensual Touch

Discover the yin and yang dance and the seven modalities of touch. Learn to express your needs to your partner in a loving, open way while experimenting with self-touch, self-massage, and self-pleasuring.

Erotic Kissing

Discover the delicate to the passionate in erotic kissing, its art, and its variety.

See how the male and female dance together in a kiss where even the smallest touch may make your companion surrender in to you.

Conscious Breath

Recognize the mechanics of deliberate breathing, taking into account the lower chakra muscles that are essential to prolonged orgasm and sexual pleasure.

To balance your emotions and energy with your loved one, practise adopting a caring stance.

The Art of Conscious Lovemaking

Take pleasure in the delightful outcome of using these straightforward techniques to improve your lovemaking.

The possibilities are endless when you are fully present with your partner.

Discover the techniques for creating orgasms that are longer, deeper, and more expansive.

These methods will start to ease any barriers that your Shakti, or sexual energy, may be encountering.

Intimacy can be obstructed by wounds or phobias in the same way that debris in a stream might prevent water from flowing in making love.

Deeper pathways of Divine Energy are able to flow between you and your partner when these are freed, substantially increasing the degree of intimacy and quality of lovemaking.

We’ll explore three pivotal aspects in our development: self-love, self-awakening, and self-empowerment


Embraces who we are, even our shadows.

Is it time to challenge the notion that we are flawed and in need of repair, which permeates our culture?

It means that we need to add something to or modify something about ourselves in order to be complete?

Decide consciously to be who you are rather than what you think or feel other people want or want you to be.

We will shift the focus to ourselves and examine what we discover there in a loving but honest manner.

Are you presently your universe's star?

If not, you should turn the camera around. To embrace your wild, true self, you first need to have the awareness and the confidence to do so.

Self-love is not the same as being egotistical, haughty, or pretentious.

It entails looking after oneself, accepting accountability for how your life is turning out, appreciating yourself, and getting to know yourself very well.

It's a necessary step before truly and deeply loving someone else.

When you have a healthy sense of self-love, love for others comes naturally.


your real potential and destiny, which is awakening.

You may take some time to listen to the voice in the background of your life that is pleading for your attention after you've started to appreciate and accept yourself—your particular brand of "wild sacredness"—. Even though it now just has a little voice, it wants you to pay close attention to what it is saying. It is aware of your talents and desires for you to start using them.

Are you prepared to go out of your comfort zone and take deliberate action in the direction of what you desire and deserve?

To respect what's working and what isn't in your life, and to respect yourself by carrying out the actions that make you shine?

That makes you feel happy?

The realization that you may choose to act from who you are in order to attain your goals is a part of self-awakening.

It's your destiny beckoning, nothing less...


is realizing that you have a special talent to share and having the courage, conviction, and resolve to step up and share it with yourself and your community.

It is witnessing your goal come to life, taking form, and expanding beyond your personal consciousness to your connections and community.

Once we take those first steps, we frequently come to realise that what we fear most is not our weakness but rather our strength.

Sacred Honoring

You may take the closeness and passion in your romantic relationships to a new level of ecstasy by incorporating sacred ritual into your lovemaking.

Conscious Presence

You and your partner will reach a higher, more tranquil level of awakened trust and pleasure as you both fully understand the power of your presence and that of your lover.

Breath, Sound, Movement, & Visualization

You'll discover yourself letting go and overcoming self-limiting barriers by employing these straightforward tactics.

This makes room for the delightful sensation of expansion, full-body orgasms.


Mudras are certain hand and finger postures that have a very subtle impact on energy.

These traditional movements aid in releasing and balancing bodily imbalances.

Ejaculation Control for Men

Discover how to manage your ejaculation to reach better, longer-lasting levels of pleasure in your romantic relationships.

Tantra teaches you how to channel your kundalini energy—sexual energy—up your spine to have longer, more extensive, full-body orgasms without ejaculating.

Full-body orgasms help men connect more profoundly with their partners by releasing tensions, repairing the prostate gland, and opening the heart.

A man may allow himself and his partner to experience higher levels of ecstasy and orgasmic pleasure than they previously thought possible by becoming a master of higher energy movement.

Sacred Spot Massage

This very sensual massage, which is concentrated on a man's or woman's sacred spot, is a potent healing treatment to activate and release ingrained traumas, emotional scars, or unfavorable sexual ideas that could come naturally during romantic encounters.

There is more room for enjoyment once these barriers to the flow of sexual energy are eliminated!

The chakras become free to move previously restrained energy, elevating romantic relationships to new heights.

As a consequence, your Shakti, your limitless wellspring of joy, awakens (the vibrant, inner reservoir of sexual power).


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