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     There’s a whole lot to know about the clitoris that they didn’t teach us in health class. While you've probably heard the many unfortunate nicknames for this body part , and you definitely know a thing or two about the ahem, functions, of the clitoris, you might not know that it actually gets erect.


     To help you become a bit more "cliterate," here are 10 facts about this amazing part of your anatomy.

     When it comes to climaxing, “the clitoris is
really, really crucial,”  But that's not the only thing that makes it
special: the clitoris is actually the only organ in the body with the sole function of providing pleasure.

     Until 1998 most textbooks only illustrated the external glans. That's when Helen O'Connell, an Australian urologist, revealed through a series of MRI studies that the clitoris is actually a complex, powerful organ system composed of a total of eighteen parts,
two-thirds of which are interior.

     When people talk about the clitoris, they’re usually just talking about the glans—the very sensitive outside part,
But the bump you can see on the vulva is only the tip of an iceberg. The internal part is connected to the glans by the corpora cavernosa two
spongey areas of erectile tissue. Farther down, the corpora cavernosa branches off into a pair of wings known as the crura which extend into the body and around the vaginal canal like a wishbone.
Then, underneath the crura are the clitoral
vestibules, or vestibular bulbs. Like much of the clitoris, these sac-like structures of tissue become engorged with blood when you get aroused.

  The clitoris is the most nerve-rich part of the vulva, says Debra Herbenick,
PhD, a sexual health educator from The Kinsey Institute. The glans contains about 8,000 nerve endings, making it the powerhouse of pleasure. To get some perspective, that's twice as many nerve endings as the penis. And its potential doesn’t end there. This tiny erogenous zone spreads the feeling to 15,000 other nerves in the pelvis, which explains why it feels like your whole body is being taken over by your O-M-G moment.

     Women are all unique, so why would clitorises be any different? Every woman needs a different kind of stimulation to feel satisfied, depending n her unique biology. Just because it's sensitive doesn't mean everyone wants it to be stimulated directly. Some women prefer touching near the clitoris but not on it.  

      It's very similar to the penis...     The clitoris and the penis are somewhat mirror images of each other, just organized differently, In fact, up until two weeks of pregnancy, all embryos appear to be female. It's not until week eight of gestation that testosterone kicks in and the penis starts to form. "None of these parts disappear, they just get rearranged,"    The internal part of the clitoris, also made of erectile tissue, becomes the frame of the penis. With this concept in mind, If you consider the clitoris only consisting of the glans, then that’s like saying the only part of a penis is the tip.”

      ...It even gets erect.... Sure, it might be less noticeable for women, but it can definitely be observed and felt. This occurs when the vestibular bulbs become engorged with blood during arousal. The blood is then trapped here until released via orgasmic spasms.

      Size doesn’t matter

  Just like penises, clits come in all shapes and sizes. And size doesn’t matter for either.  Think of it this way: since the brain is your main sex organ, the genitals are simply the receptors of pleasure.  It has to do with visual, tactile, and oral stimulation,  rather that the actual size of the clit. So while glans may vary from woman to woman, this shouldn’t affect the pleasure-potential. 

      It can grow with age...
     Although the size of your clitoris doesn’t impact your sex life, don’t be surprised if it changes dimensions over your lifetime.  Due to a change in hormone levels after menopause, the clit may enlarge for many women.


      It’s the real G-spot We’ve all heard about the infamous G-spot: Does it exist? Do all women have one? Yes and yes. That's because the G-spot is actually the clitoris. This notorious pleasure zone became sensationalized back in the 80s which, as Chalker explains, created this idea that if you could only access the G-spot inside the vagina, it would promote female orgasm. But we've since learned that some women may feel more sensation via the internal shafts of the clitoral complex , while others preferexternal touch. One way is not better than another way,  it's really about exploring the possibilities to find out what you like best!!.


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